Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Revelations, Robotic sanity - revolt

It felt like I was dying. But the feeling wasn’t something new. It’s something I’ve felt for as far back as I can remember but I’ve just grown used to it. And in those moments when I can’t breath and I feel life being pulled out of every atom that is mine, I start to analyze. And that’s the worst part, the analyzing. Because then it’s as if I’m narrating my own life, as if my life has already happened and I have already been defeated because there’s never anything that helps me. There’s never anything that makes me smile and stays. It all leaves just as quickly as it comes in and I’m left here a simple void, an empty shadow that is only seen once in a while. In your understanding you can breathe again. You can continue to function as a robot, a slave to a system you had no choice or knowledge of placement, you were just expected to function. An over worked blind machine begging for an apocalypse for maybe then they’ll find peace. But no one ever does anything about the ones who try shot down by their brethren. The idea of revolution is dead and in its place: robots. If there’s a beating human heart out there who knows otherwise then where are you? For I see before me an army just no one to lead them, no cause to persuade their heart, no truth in a world of deception. Tell me where to go, or what to do to be free and I’ll do it. Anything is better than nothing at all.


  1. Oh Jessie. It is not about revolution and not about robots. It is about you and me and each of us deciding for ourselves, defining ourselves, choosing who and what we are. The real truth is making our moral decisions about what we will and will not do, even more than what we will and will not accept.

    How can we truly define ourselves if we have not been tested? Perhaps your Jezebel is a blessing and not a curse. Consider Job. As for the army before you, they need no leader except their heart and truth. The battle is to be us.

    Be well young man. Heck, you should be able to figure out who wrote this. Call me. ROFL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I actually do not know who this is, the hints are here but do not line up...

    In response to your response I have a few questions:
    What is morality? Morality is man made and therefor undefinable so then the idea of doing what's wrong or right becomes non-existent. So I would argue that true goodness, if there is such a thing, can only be what is healthy for yourself and your surroundings and if that is in fact the truth which, I would argue is, than truth is forgotten in this society. Why? because we have and are becoming machines (robots) motored by blind faith, television programs, political americana propaganda, and the revolution is in the questions we ask. however what are questions without answers.

    i agree we must be tested, but my pondering lies in the what is the goal to which we are tested? I have considered the story of Job often, and frankly want more than to suffer blindly.

    I do wonder however what more you have to say about his battle. I understand the constant war within but what of the state of this existence? our existence? it's crumbling should we not fight to stop it's destruction?
