Wednesday, May 20, 2009

As I fell Faster and Faster All of The Sudden

I must have hit my head on something. It's so dark in this godforsaken tunnel that I can't see a damn thing.
A sharp piercing pain is making it's way from my head to my foot, which just hit something as well. Still falling I try to ball up as to avoid anymore unnecessary injuries. I see a light up ahead, which excites me now I can assess the damage and move on, I hope. There seems to be a buzzing as well. What could that be--Oh dear god Bees! This trip is turning hostile. I try to bury my face in my modest mouse t shirt but the faster I fall the more I am stung. The pain is too much the mental collapse inevitable.
Then suddenly it stops.
The cool water dispelling the protruding welts and bruises from my great fall, everything is better now in this moment. I look around for my mind it must have fallen into this pool as well.
What's is that sound, it's like singing frogs, but i swear they're telling me something...
"Rrrrrrround Rrrrribbit Rrrrrrround Weeeeee Goooooooo, aRRRRrrrre you Rrrrrrready to go with the fffflowww, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrround Rrrrrrrrrrrrribbit Rrrrrrrrrrround weeeee Gooooo!"
"That's odd," I think to myself, but suddenly the water is swishing and I notice that this whole time I've been slowly moving in circles as if there was a drain at the bottom of the pond. As I look around I see the white porcelin walls of a giangantic Toilet Bowl that I'm in the Very Center of.
"Oh Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttt."
Round and round I go... down down down... where this will spit me out I don't know. Why can't this just end, And where the Fuck is my mind?

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Peculiar Conversation at a Cafe inside the Hole in Between Dimensions

%Another glass of wine?
*oh absolutely... a bit more... top her off, ah that's nice, thank you. So Madame what is all this I'm hearing about you and your mister?
+OH well its just, i never loved him, you know that, and you see things went as you could expect i suppose. Everything he said or did just got on my last nerve I couldn't take it anymore, so I sent him away.
*You sent him just because you couldn't stand him, surely your leaving something out, I've never known you to end something just because it's literally a dead horse, what aren't you telling me?
+Oh well, yes, your quite right, i did omit the bit about the belt beating...
*I should say you did sounds wonderfully kinky do tell.
+well we were on a stroll in the woods frolicking you could say, and well you know how frolicking goes he pulled off my gown, i his, and well he was giving me the rabbits in the spring time treatment when all the sudden he turned into a ravenous monster, he wrapped his belt around my neck and at first it was all in good pleasure, but then i couldn't breathe and I had to stand up for myself. So i called the guards and had him sent away.
*Well Now that's more like it. I knew there was more than you were letting on you've never been about losing a decent-easy piece of ass. So where did you have him sent to?
+Oh he's still in the woods...
*Is he?
+Oh undoubtedly near the very spot, just under the dying willow...

falling down the rabbit hole

Some people have described my artwork as a bit of an acid trip, and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way. If my artwork is in anyway a contributor to you or someone tripping out than I have succeeded! If I can paint something you can get lost in than I feel that, that is the definition of my accomplishment. Below are a few of my pieces enjoy... (more at