Friday, May 15, 2009

A Peculiar Conversation at a Cafe inside the Hole in Between Dimensions

%Another glass of wine?
*oh absolutely... a bit more... top her off, ah that's nice, thank you. So Madame what is all this I'm hearing about you and your mister?
+OH well its just, i never loved him, you know that, and you see things went as you could expect i suppose. Everything he said or did just got on my last nerve I couldn't take it anymore, so I sent him away.
*You sent him just because you couldn't stand him, surely your leaving something out, I've never known you to end something just because it's literally a dead horse, what aren't you telling me?
+Oh well, yes, your quite right, i did omit the bit about the belt beating...
*I should say you did sounds wonderfully kinky do tell.
+well we were on a stroll in the woods frolicking you could say, and well you know how frolicking goes he pulled off my gown, i his, and well he was giving me the rabbits in the spring time treatment when all the sudden he turned into a ravenous monster, he wrapped his belt around my neck and at first it was all in good pleasure, but then i couldn't breathe and I had to stand up for myself. So i called the guards and had him sent away.
*Well Now that's more like it. I knew there was more than you were letting on you've never been about losing a decent-easy piece of ass. So where did you have him sent to?
+Oh he's still in the woods...
*Is he?
+Oh undoubtedly near the very spot, just under the dying willow...

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